Wade Award Top Ten Family Law Attorney

(San Jose, CA) April 3, 2021Amiel Wade, Founder of Wade Litigation received yet another award this week, in recognition of his work as a leading California attorney. The latest award was announced earlier in the week when Mr. Wade was informed by National Academy of Family Law Attorneys that it had selected him as one of the state’s top ten family law attorneys (which is the organization’s highest honor).
The recipients of the award are put through a multi-phase selection process. The attorneys who make the NAFLA TOP 10 list must first be nominated by a licensed attorney or one of the company’s in-house research staff members, and then the research staff verifies that the nominee meets the requirements of membership. The NAFLA was established in 2013 with the primary goal of discovering and recognizing the TOP 10 family law attorneys in each state for their hard work.
Mr. Wade has previously been the recipient of numerous other top attorney awards, such as the following:

  • Top ten attorney by the American Institute of Legal Counsel
  • Top civil litigation attorney, by the Legal Network,
  • Top civil litigation attorney, by Lawyers of Distinction, and
  • Top litigation attorney, by America Lawyer Media

Also, Wade’s firm, Wade Litigation, was awarded the 2021 Best California Business Litigation law firm. Wade also has a “superb “10” Avvo rating from Avvo.com, the highest rating available from the leading organization that ranks attorneys.
After receiving this latest award, Wade stated: “I am very excited to hear that I was chosen as one of the state’s top ten family law attorneys. I have always given my best to all of our clients. I am honored to receive the award.”
For more information contact the firm’s media consultant, Serena Rico at 408-842-1688 or srico@wadelitigation.com.

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