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Although this web site may be viewed from any of the 50 United States of America and territories, as well as any country, Wade Litigation attorneys are licensed to practice law in the State of California, United States of America. Wade Litigation has endeavored to comply with all applicable legal and ethical requirements in compiling this World Wide Web site. Wade Litigation does not through this site seek to represent anyone in a state where this site may fail to comply with all laws and ethical rules of that state.
By accessing this web site, you agree with Wade Litigation that any dispute or other matters arising out of or related to your viewing or use of this web site shall be governed under the laws of the State of California without regard to the conflict of laws, and that both you and Wade Litigation submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of Santa Clara County. If the bar rules in your jurisdiction require us to identify an attorney and office responsible for this web site, Wade Litigation designates Amiel L. Wade as the responsible attorney for this site.
Wade Litigation assumes no responsibility for computer viruses resulting from use of our web site. Wade Litigation at its discretion may choose from time to time to link to third party web sites. Such links do not constitute an endorsement of such third party web site, nor is Wade Litigation responsible for any viruses, content or disputes resulting from your access to such third party sites.