Wade & Silverstein Wins Appeal On Behalf Of Client December 15, 2007 – Wade Litigation
(San Jose, CA ) December 15, 2007- The Prominent law firm of Wade & Silverstein declared victory yet again on Wednesday when it won an appeal that the firm had filed on behalf of one of its clients.
The appeal was initiated after a several hundred thousand dollar judgment had been entered against a defendant in the Santa Clara County Superior Court. At the time that the judgment was entered, the Defendant was not represented by Wade & Silverstein. However, after the judgment was entered, the Defendant terminated its relationship with its then current attorney and subsequently retained the services of Wade & Silverstein. The client asked the firm if there was anything the firm could do to get the client out of the judgment.
After accepting the case, the firm filed an appeal in an attempt to get the judgment overturned.The firm made several arguments to the appellate court in support of its appeal.
On the other hand, the Plaintiff that had won the case, took the position that Wade & Silverstein’s appeal had no merit and that the appellate court should affirm the trial court judgment and award the Plaintiff cost and fees for having to respond to the appeal.
On Thursday, the appellate court agreed with Wade & Silverstein and overturned the lower Court’s several hundred thousand dollar Judgment against the firm’s client. After the decision was made, firm President, Amiel L. Wade stated: “we are very pleased with the outcome of this case. This was an important decision for our clients. They are very pleased.”

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