Wade Litigation Gets Case Dismissed on behalf of Client July 23, 2014 – Wade Litigation
(San Jose, CA) July 23, 2014 – The prominent law firm of Wade Litigation claimed victory yesterday when a lawsuit filed against its client was dismissed. This latest case involves a lawsuit filed against one of the firm’s company clients in which the Plaintiff was alleging that the company had failed to pay for injuries sustained by the employee.
When Wade Litigation accepted the case, Wade argued that the Superior Court lacked jurisdiction over the matter and that the case had to be dismissed. Yesterday, the court commissioner agreed with Wade Litigation and dismissed the case against the firm’s client.
When tasked how he felt about the dismissal, Wade said: “this lawsuit should have never been brought. I’m happy for my client that we were able to save our client time and money by getting this case dismissed”.
About Wade Litigation
Wade Litigation is a law firm that specializes in civil and business litigation (i.e. lawsuits). The firm is committed to providing superior and distinctive services while building client relationships and achieving client satisfaction second to none. The firm’s founder is an experienced business and trial attorney who has handled several high profile cases, resulting in winning trial verdicts, one of which was over $11 million dollars. He has been endorsed by numerous attorneys, both within California and in other states. The firm’s clients include companies and individuals involved in litigation as well as family law clients and personal injury victims. The firm is dedicated to providing superior and distinctive services, while building client relationships and achieving client satisfaction second to none.

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